Sonata em AuschwitzSonata em Auschwitz
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Book, 2023
Current format, Book, 2023, 1.a edição., Available .Book, 2023
Current format, Book, 2023, 1.a edição., Available . Offered in 0 more formats"Ďcadas depois do fim da Segunda Guerra, Am̀lia, uma portuguesa com ascend̊ncia alem̂, comėa a levantar o v̌u do passado nazi da sua fam̕lia a partir de uma partitura que lhe ̌ revelada pela bisav̤. A hip̤tese de que o av̥, dado como morto antes do fi m da guerra, possa estar vivo no Rio de Janeiro leva Am̀lia a atravessar o oceano e a conhecer um casal de judeus que sobreviveu ao Holocausto. A ascenŝo do nazismo em Berlim, os misťrios ocorridos no campo de exterm̕nio da Pol̤nia e o p̤s-guerra numa casa cheia de segredos oferecem os caminhos que Am̀lia ir̀ percorrer para desvendar o enigma. Dando corpo a uma narrativa elaborada com extrema sensibilidade e preciŝo, Luize Valente envolve o leitor em misťrio, suspense e nos sentimentos mais profundos." --
"Decades after the end of World War II, Am̀lia, a Portuguese woman with German ancestry, begins to lift the veil on her family's Nazi past based on a sheet of music revealed to her by her great-grandmother. The hypothesis that her grandfather, presumed dead before the end of the war, might be alive in Rio de Janeiro leads Am̀lia to cross the ocean and meet a Jewish couple who survived the Holocaust. The rise of Nazism in Berlin, the mysteries that occurred in the extermination camp in Poland and the post-war period in a house full of secrets offer the paths that Am̀lia will take to unravel the enigma. Embodying a narrative elaborated with extreme sensitivity and precision, Luize Valente involves the reader in mystery, suspense and the deepest feelings." --
"Decades after the end of World War II, Am̀lia, a Portuguese woman with German ancestry, begins to lift the veil on her family's Nazi past based on a sheet of music revealed to her by her great-grandmother. The hypothesis that her grandfather, presumed dead before the end of the war, might be alive in Rio de Janeiro leads Am̀lia to cross the ocean and meet a Jewish couple who survived the Holocaust. The rise of Nazism in Berlin, the mysteries that occurred in the extermination camp in Poland and the post-war period in a house full of secrets offer the paths that Am̀lia will take to unravel the enigma. Embodying a narrative elaborated with extreme sensitivity and precision, Luize Valente involves the reader in mystery, suspense and the deepest feelings." --
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- Porto Salvo, Portugal : 11 x 17 (Edições Saída de Emergência), janeiro de 2023., © 2017
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