Soleil sombreSoleil sombre
Title rated 3.75 out of 5 stars, based on 4 ratings(4 ratings)
Book, 2022
Current format, Book, 2022, , Available .Book, 2022
Current format, Book, 2022, , Available . Offered in 0 more formats"Poursuivant sa traversée de l'histoire humaine, Noam s'éveille d'un long sommeil sur les rives du Nil, en 1650 av. J.-C. et se lance à la découverte de Memphis, capitale des deux royaumes d'Égypte. Les temps ont bien changé. Des maisons de plaisir à la Maison des morts, des quartiers hébreux au palais de Pharaon se dévoile à lui une civilisation inouïe qui se transmet sur des rouleaux de papyrus, qui vénère le Nil, fleuve nourricier, momifie les morts, invente l'au-delà, érige des temples et des pyramides pour accéder à l'éternité. Mais Noam, le coeur plein de rage, a une unique idée en tête : en découdre avec son ennemi pour connaître enfin l'immortalité heureuse auprès de Noura, son aimée. Avec le troisième tome du cycle de La Traversée des Temps, Éric-Emmanuel Schmitt nous embarque en Égypte ancienne, une civilisation qui prospéra pendant plus de trois mille ans. Fertile en surprises, Soleil sombre restitue ce monde en pleine effervescence dont notre modernité a conservé des traces, mais qui reste dans l'Histoire des hommes une parenthèse aussi sublime qu'énigmatique."--
Continuing his journey through human history, Noam awakens from a long slumber on the banks of the Nile, in 1650 B.C. and embarks on the discovery of Memphis, capital of the two kingdoms of Egypt. Times have changed. From the houses of pleasure to the House of the Dead, from the Hebrew quarters to the palace of Pharaoh, an incredible civilization is revealed to him which is transmitted on rolls of papyrus, which venerates the Nile, the nourishing river, mummifies the dead, invents the beyond, erects temples and pyramids to gain access to eternity. But Noam, his heart full of rage, has a single idea in mind: to do battle with his enemy to finally experience happy immortality with Noura, his beloved. With the third volume of the series La Traversée des Temps, Éric-Emmanuel Schmitt takes us to ancient Egypt, a civilization that flourished for more than three thousand years. Fertile in surprises, Dark Sun restores this world in full effervescence of which our modernity has preserved traces, but which remains in the History of men a parenthesis as sublime as it is enigmatic.--
Continuing his journey through human history, Noam awakens from a long slumber on the banks of the Nile, in 1650 B.C. and embarks on the discovery of Memphis, capital of the two kingdoms of Egypt. Times have changed. From the houses of pleasure to the House of the Dead, from the Hebrew quarters to the palace of Pharaoh, an incredible civilization is revealed to him which is transmitted on rolls of papyrus, which venerates the Nile, the nourishing river, mummifies the dead, invents the beyond, erects temples and pyramids to gain access to eternity. But Noam, his heart full of rage, has a single idea in mind: to do battle with his enemy to finally experience happy immortality with Noura, his beloved. With the third volume of the series La Traversée des Temps, Éric-Emmanuel Schmitt takes us to ancient Egypt, a civilization that flourished for more than three thousand years. Fertile in surprises, Dark Sun restores this world in full effervescence of which our modernity has preserved traces, but which remains in the History of men a parenthesis as sublime as it is enigmatic.--
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- Paris : Albin Michel, [2022], ©2022
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